Swan Lake

Every morning, as I drive to Hope, I always pass this small retention pond where two beautiful swans have made their nest. The swans are surrounded frequently by ducks which, to me, lends credibility to The Ugly Duckling story. They are a sight to see. And every day there is at least one car parked on the side of the road so the driver can get a better look.

Today there were four or five cars parked there, and a whole group of people with cameras in hand, hunched behind the trees and pointing to the swans.

In these days, with social media and cellphones, it seems we are always in constant contact with each other, but truly, and I've written about this before, the best way we communicate is by simply pointing to something beautiful.

Why is that car parked on the side of the road? What are those people doing by the trees? Oh, they have cameras--it must be something interesting. Let me pull over and see for myself.

This is is how God's glory and God's story have been told for thousands of years, by one person sharing the wonderful majesty that is God with someone else. We don't have far to look. There are swans in our back yard. There are cardinals, flashing bright red, against the gray and dark morning.

Here look.
