No Doubt

I'm not sure why after all these days, I still have moments of doubt, that I still wonder, as I drive to Hope, how I will find something beautiful to take a picture of on such a gray and dark morning. 

And even though God always provides, I still experience shock and awe in the way that shock and awe was meant to be experienced, in the way that your body practically shakes in the presence of the glory and beauty of God.

I've been out in nature enough days now to know that everything has a pattern. With the exception of the sandhill crane, birds are skittish and flighty and yet a few weeks ago, I got so close to a little flycatcher on the ground, I could have touched it. And last week, a hawk flew so close to my ears I could hear the beat of his wings through the air.

And today, I turned the corner around the church and saw something I never seen before, a great blue heron perched high in the pine tree. It's Florida. There are great blue herons everywhere, but in sixteen years I have only ever seen them walking along the shore or in the shallows. I had never seen one sit so tall and so proud, for so long.

In the Bible, the spirit of God often appears as a dove. I have no doubt that the spirit of God lives in all birds.
