Look, listen

I am still thinking about yesterday and the heron in the trees and whether or not there is such a thing as being in the right place at the right time.

Look, listen. 

This morning there was construction going on somewhere past the trees and water. It was so loud, I was amazed that I couldn't see the machines making the racket. I fully expected to see a bulldozer emerge from the trees like a dinosaur in "Jurassic Park."

Other than the unseen construction, the grounds at Hope were silent this morning. I scanned the trees to see if the heron had returned. And it was then that I realized that yes, sometimes we are in the right place at the right time. We stumble upon beauty.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Beauty does not have to be fleeting. It is not something that suddenly appears and disappears. It is all around us, every day. And if we learn to pay attention, we'll know where to look.

I know, for example, that I can find mourning doves in the labyrinth each morning. I know that the small flycatchers sometimes rest in the grass by the treeline. I know that the hibiscus always seems to bloom after warm days followed by rain, which means that tomorrow, I will look for that flower. I know that if a male cardinal sings, the female is somewhere nearby. I know that frogs like to chirp and croak in the ditch by the parking lot when it fills with rainwater.

And I know that after the rain, even when the sky is still gray, the world explodes in all things green.

Beauty is everywhere.
