
This morning I woke up with the rain and then the thunder and the lightning. It poured and today was the day I had invited the church to come out and see the beautiful grounds that the physical building rests on.

But I also knew that even if no one showed, that rainy days still produce the most amazing pictures. In this humidity the rain would cling to the flower petals. And with the rain, the frogs would come.

Carol found me this morning by the water-filled ditch on the other side of the church parking lot. I had just seen a frog, but it had moved too quick for me to snap a picture. By the time Carol and I had made a loop around the property, Pastor Debbie had arrived and I took her back to that water-filled ditch with the promise of frogs.

And it was Pastor Debbie's keen eye that spotted this one.

Lord, thank you today for the company you sent me, so that I could share the wonderful beauty of your creation with them.
