A Joyful Noise

Restore in us, O Lord,
the joy of Your salvation.

Lighten our burdens.
Strengthen our hearts.
Fill us with Your light and love.

So that once again we might see You,
that we might feel Your presence
in every breath, in every blink of the eye.

O Lord, that You would lift our hearts,
bring smiles once again to our lips,

so that when we see a pop
of dragonfly fire, sitting on the gray,
barren branches of winter,

so that when we pause before
the white-tailed rabbit as it sits
in the shadows of the predawn night,

that in these moments, Lord,
that we might feel so overcome,
so overwhelmed with life,
with the beating heart of all creation,

that we can do nothing but
make a joyful noise to You, Lord.


Psalm 66:1
Psalm 51:12
