This is Spring, I Promise

Take a deep breath.
Do not let the cold air 
fool you, tease you, 
giggle behind your back,
as it tries to trick you
into thinking winter is still here. 

Take that deep breath
through the nose
and hold it there
and let memory sweep
0ver you. 

Remember that smell?
The smell of spring?
Of open windows
and freshly washed sheets,
billowing on the line. 

Remember how with the windows
open, the house seemed to settle
and sigh and stretch,
its wood floors creaking
like an old woman’s knees
after she’s spent all of Lent
at church kneeling and praying? 

Remember spring?
Remember how even on windy days,
there were spells of silence
and stillness when everything stopped
and robins and cardinals peppered
the still barren trees with red breasts,
and all singing stopped,
and every bird seemed asleep with eyes
wide open—for a moment, until the wind
picked up again? 

So stop.
Take a breath.
Close your eyes.
It may be cold,
but this is spring.
