Can You Imagine what Moses Might Have Done with a Little Cell Phone Service?

According to the Cornell Lab on Ornithology, the Sora is the most widespread rail in North America.

That being said … good luck finding one.

They are apparently very secretive and easily startled.

I’ve only ever seen one twice, once a few weeks ago and once again today, though it was just today that I finally—thanks to some online assistance—discovered just what it was I was looking at.

When I saw the Sora a few weeks ago, I was looking in the same lush green marshes that I found my Purple Gallinule hiding in.  The Sora was small and brown, a little smaller than the gallinule but with an odd and distinctive tiger-like pattern on its back.

That day it was too well hidden for me to even get a blurry picture.

Today, it was in the same place, but in the wide open, but by the time I reached for my camera, it was already darting back among the thick vegetation.

The only picture I got was a blurry one of its rump.

I call these kinds of pictures, Bigfoot pictures, like the one I took years ago of what I swear was a black panther out behind the church but in no way can prove.

You have to take it on faith that I saw what I saw.

My Sora picture is a little clearer, but still requires some faith.

The Sora is quite striking and beautiful, though I can’t tell if I would still feel that way if I saw one everywhere all the time, like I do the coots and moorhens, or if the reason I find it so awesome is the simple fact that seeing it at all is something special and rare.

Seeing only the Sora’s backside this morning made me think of that scene in Exodus 33 where Moses says to God, “Let me see your glory.”

In other words, Moses is saying, “Hey, can I get a look at you?”

And God’s answer?  “No one shall see me and live.”

Well, okay then.

But God does make a deal with Moses.  He will position Moses just right and cover Moses with His hand until He has passed by.  Then He will remove His hand and give Moses one look at His back.

And then the chapter ends.

Right there.

No description as to what Moses then saw—probably because words wouldn’t cover it.

And as there was undoubtedly no cell phone service out there, no way for Moses to Snapchat or Instagram a photo.

We just have to take it on faith that it happened at all.

Still—what a sight that must have been.
