Little Brown

When I was a kid, it wasn't the darkness that told me it was late and time to stop playing and head on indoors. It was the bats.

Most likely the Little Brown Bat, which, I learned yesterday, is now in danger of extinction due to a fungus that attacks bats while they are hibernating.

It is amazing to me the little things (bats included) that we take for granted. They are the background noise of our lives and when they go missing, we are left wondering just what exactly has changed.

Now that winter is long over (at least here in Florida) nature has exploded with life, with lizards that move through the grass like they were swimming, weaving in between the individual blades, and with insects too. Though April showers may bring May flowers, the rain would be pointless in the life cycle of a flower or tree or shrub were it not for the pollinating insects.

I never thought I would be so fascinated by something as small and annoying as an insect, but they are beautiful and determined as they flit from leaf to leaf.
