
It has occurred to me over the last few days just how fine the line is that I walk between being healthy enough to drive to Hope every day and too sick to leave the house.

A friend told me yesterday that she thought I would get to Hope every day even if it meant crawling there.

I definitely make sacrifices for Hope.

It's taken me five days to build up enough energy to buy a fan for my ever-increasing in warmth home.

I would have had the energy to buy the fan sooner if I had skipped a day in coming to Hope, but I'm not ready for that yet.

I do understand, though, that 365 Days of Hope is not about the destination. It was ... at one point. It was about getting up every morning and pushing myself, dragging myself, to Purpose.

But now I understand that 365 Days of Hope is about the journey, that even if I wind up skipping a day and breaking my streak, the journey isn't erased. The journey continues.

I noticed this broken Hope sign this morning in the prayer garden.

And I would leave you with this thought this morning.

Dare to hope.

Dare to hope even when your faith seems cracked, even when you have weathered a number of storms.

Dare to hope.
