Stop and Stare

This project has changed me in so many ways. From the very beginning I knew it was challenging me to pay attention, to look at the details, because the reward would be so great.

Today at Hope, I found a green bee. I never knew something like that existed, but they do. They're called metallic green bees. They're not just celebrating St. Patrick's Day.

And then once I arrived back home, I saw a bird in the parking lot that I had never seen before. And so I stopped, pulling up alongside it, trying not to startle it so I could get its picture.

It's a killdeer.

Have you ever stopped for a bird before? And not just for the sandhill cranes that are experts at stopping traffic? Have you ever seen something new and decided to stop whatever it was that you were doing and feed that curiosity?

I'm beginning to think most of us are starving in that regard.
