One Hundred Days to Go

Some years ago, in the back of a book of Tennyson poems, I made a bucket list of sorts for photos I wanted to take.

Number nine on the list?

"Something that swallows you in green."

There are one hundred days left on my year journey to Hope.  And today in honor of that milestone, I made my way, once again, deep into the wood to stand in a clearing that once was home to an alligator.

The forest floor moved as thousands of ants went about there business.  There is nothing quite like an ant or thousands of them to make you feel very small.

It was as I crossed the bridge that I got this picture, the sun just right, the season just right, not too warm to burn away the leaves and not to wet to turn everything into mush.

Here was my explosion of green, a green that, much like the ants, could race over you in a second.

Over the past months, I've added other things to my photo bucket list.  I'm trying to get pictures of as many differently colored dragonflies as possible.  I thank the one who sat for me this morning.

One hundred days.  Wow.
