The Song of God

I walked past a flowering bush today that was so alive with bees, the air around it hummed.  It was the humming that drew my attention first.  It is always the sounds at Hope that lead me to pictures.

Thanks to a tip about a pine tree near the road, I walked past another tree where some animal was going crazy ripping bark off branches.  It had been several months and so I didn’t remember that I had seen such behavior before.  It was only when I heard the sound of the hawk, making its tell-tale squeak, that I realized there was a pileated woodpecker nearby.

I found him, standing in the bright sun, those fiery feathers shining bright.  He upset everything around him. 

The mockingbirds, surrounded by both a woodpecker and an extremely territorial hawk, were whipped into a frenzy.

And after I had snapped as many pictures as I could, and headed back to the car, the hawk began to scream as it circled overhead, sending a message to everyone to stay clear.

Hope was alive this morning.  There was a plague of lizards scurrying through the grass, feasting, I’m assuming on the new love bug invasion.  The love bugs brought more spiders too and the path to the woods was so filled with webbing that I didn’t even bother going back there.

Some days ago, I was reading a religion article on the CNN website.  I was looking through the comments section, which is really a bad habit, when I found someone who wrote that they didn’t believe in the “song of God.”  It was a typo, but a typo that turned the phrase into something quite poetic.

The song of God.

The song of God is life.

The song of God was very present this morning.
