Inner Peace

My hawk was waiting for me on the lamppost this morning.  I expected him to sit patiently while I took his picture, but he faced distraction this morning, in a mockingbird that hounded him and chased him to three different trees, the last tree holding yet another hawk.  Perhaps he figured the two of them could take the mockingbird if need be.

This morning, I went for a walk before going to church.  There are swans in a retention pond down the street and even though it's nearly a mile from where I live, I wanted to give it a try, to see if I was strong enough to see the swans.  I made it to the edge of the water, close enough to see the male swan, but still too far away from the nesting female.

I didn't enjoy the walk.  It was the beginning of the morning commute and the noise from the cars and the smell of exhaust ruined any peace I thought I might find in a walk.

I have been spoiled at Hope, spoiled by the silence and solitude, spoiled by animals, birds and rabbits and frogs that sit waiting for me.  There is nothing quite like the silence of nature, which isn't silent at all, but is natural and therefore filling and whole and right.
