Winter Bloom

This morning, I found myself watching the movie musical Brigadoon.  It's not the best of movies but it was a musical I performed in high school and caused me, for a short time as a teenager, to have one of those retro/hipster crushes on Gene Kelly.

If you're not familiar with the plot, basically two men, on vacation in Scotland stumble across Brigadoon, a village that appears once, for one day, every one hundred years.  No spoilers here, but the main character, Tommy, falls in love in Brigadoon and, as you can imagine, true love always wins.

It felt a little like Brigadoon this morning at church.  It was still and quiet.  I noticed a hibiscus flower blooming across the water in the backyard of someone's house.  It was too far to get a clear picture of, but the color popped against the green leaves.

It made me wonder and sure enough, as I turned and walked to the Memorial Garden, there was our little hibiscus, brought to life by the warm weather and rain.

It was a small winter bloom, opening only just enough, like a child who does not want to wake.

But it was beautiful.  It brought a peace to my heart and I realized how much I had missed those flowers.

It will most likely be gone tomorrow, like Brigadoon, but it will not be one hundred years before I see it again.
