See and Believe

I've written this before, but today decided to share with you the picture.  I love how these palm tree husks look like the hip bone of some long forgotten dinosaur.  It seems out of place and lost and mysterious and stirs the rich and wild imagination of the child within.

Today was foggy again, thicker than I've ever seen it.  Foggy days always seem like a disappointment except for the fact that they are the only days when every spider web is visible.  And trust me when I say that spider webs cover whole fields of grass, hang off branches tossed into the water, hang from palm fronds and trap fallen leaves and twigs.

I fully admit that when I walk unintentionally through a spider web, I cannot shake the feeling all day that they are still clinging to me.  Spider webs in a house symbolize things that are neglected and uncared for.  Haunted houses have spider webs.

But the trees at Hope are not haunted nor neglected even as thousands of spiders make there home there.  In fact the spider webs are so ever present, one begins to wonder if the webs themselves aren't holding up the trees, aren't propping up the blades of grass, aren't keeping the whole of nature from falling apart.

And you are only privy to that knowledge for the few short hours it takes the sun to burn away the fog.

Can you imagine what would happen if you could see for a short time the invisible things of this world that hold you together, not just the ever present and ever powerful God and His angels, but the little things, the tiniest threads that tie you to other people, that help create a community, that support you when you fall, that comfort you in your grief?

What would that feel like?  Would you ever be able to live your life the same way again?

Can you imagine?
