
This morning I was stopped twice by the same train.

I'm not sure what the statistical probability of that happening is, but it seemed, at the time, to be wildly bizarre.

I was driving to the doctor and for virtually the entire time I was on the road, I drove parallel to the train.  It was hardly ever out of sight, stopping me the two times I had to cross the train tracks, at the beginning of my journey and at the end.

The bad news is that I was almost late to my appointment.

The good news is that when you and the train are running parallel to each other, you get a lot of green lights.

I'm sure there's a lesson there about obstacles and our perceptions of them.

The train, the doctor's appointment, everything threw me off schedule and I didn't get to the church until much, much later to take my pictures.

And yet as disappointing as all that seemed at the time, I'm still able to marvel at all the little things that had to fall into place that caused me to be stopped twice by the same train.
