
This morning I had a dentist appointment and as I went to make the turn down the street to the office, I saw a large sign and orange barrels.  The street was closed for construction.

Actually it was more than just the street, it was a whole intersection, so even when I took a long detour (because I had to get the dentist), I still found myself faced with orange barrels and having to maneuver through a bank parking lot, all the while wondering if I was venturing in forbidden territory.

In the end, it didn't matter.  Like I said, I had to get the dentist and I knew there had to be a way.  If it wasn't the way I was used to, then I would have to find another.

Detours and risk.

Orange barrels and signs.

When we know our destination, when we know that we have to be somewhere, we cannot be afraid to take risks.  We have to be confident that somehow we will get to wherever it is we are going.
