Only Sound

It used to be that if I only heard the bird singing, but couldn't actually spot it, I would leave church disappointed.

Now that I am able to tell what bird is making what song, I find I am just as happy hearing them even if I never see them.

And I hear them everywhere now.  I hear them at home.  I hear them at the store.  And I find I have this special secret.  Before I began this journey I never thought of the birds singing.  I never noticed it.  I guess that most people are this way.  We learn to push everything into the background, the humming of the cars, the stomping on the ceiling from the neighbor above you.

But in the process, we push away the good sounds with the bad.

The birds keep singing.  They've never stopped, but we've stopped listening.

Now I am listening again and I claim that birdsong for me.
