Cardinal Calling

The osprey gave up on me weeks ago.  For a while, he was waiting up on the tree in front of the church every morning, but then each day, he would fly away a little bit sooner.  Sometimes I could sneak a peek from around the church, but more often than not, he would fly away as soon as he saw my car.  Now I don't see him at all.

The cardinal though seems to enjoy my presence.  I enjoy his song, which is very loud for a relatively small bird and filled with whistling notes.  He was not at church this morning when I arrived.  In fact, it wasn't until I had made two laps around the property and was heading for the car that I heard him calling.

I scanned the treeline look for that pop of red, but he was too far away and I was tired from all the walking, so I got in the car and left, hoping he'll be back tomorrow.
