
I believe today was the first time I walked the grounds in a good solid rain.  I wore a windbreaker and cowered over my camera, forgetting only once to protect the lens when a flock of birds, v-shaped and soaring, appeared overhead.

Later, I would see that a few drops had hit the lens, just a few tiny drops, but they made all the difference, the camera unable to focus correctly on anything I took after.

So I was limited to the tree, the same tree from yesterday, "glazed with rain water" (but no white chickens, William Carlos Williams).

I suppose it's easy to be disappointed with days like today, but then I remind myself that the pictures are secondary to why I go to church every day.

It's not for the pictures.

It's to spend time with God, to commit that time to God.

And God will meet us anywhere, sunny, cloudy, rain and storm and now.
