Forest for the trees

When I saw something crash into the high branches of the tree, I thought for a minute that maybe I had found the ever elusive bobcat.

Although given the sway to the tree and cracking of branches, it would have been more along the lines of Bigfoot.

Actually it was a bird.

The larger birds were out this morning, a morning that was just cool enough to let me see my breath fog in front of me.

There was a roseated spoonbill and white heron patrolling the shore on the other side of the water.

And there were two of this water fowl (if you know the name let me know please) that had crashed into the tree.

I've seen this bird before.  I love how it submerges almost completely in the water so that it looks like a miniature Loch Ness monster.

And I love that I got a picture of it this morning, in the branches, with the sun behind it.
