
My mood matched the weather this morning--bitter and cold.

It was made worse the moment I got in the car and saw that the gas tank was sitting on empty.

I promised myself that I would only stand in the cold pumping gas for as long as I could take it.  I didn't need a full tank.

It was shortly after I pulled up to the gas station that a young woman appeared from behind the pump and held out a flyer to me.  She asked if she could give the flyer to me and before she even mentioned Bible verses, I knew who she was.

And yet instead of being annoyed, as we all frequently feel when someone tries to sell us something unsolicited whether it be God or magazines, I felt this warmth, this second of recognition that we are all sons and daughters of God.

I took the flyer and said, "God bless," as she turned to go.

She paused, as if surprised, as if she was used to other less welcoming words.

"Thank you," she said.

Perhaps if it had been warmer, we would have spoken longer, but as it was, we spoke long enough to warm me.

I filled my tank full.
