Where the sidewalk ends?

For the past week or so, even though I have made it to church every day, I have been limited in how long I can walk and where I can walk thanks to an injured toe.  I have not ventured off through the grass to the water.  I have not made it down to the Memorial Garden.  Every picture has been one I have taken standing firmly on the sidewalk.

Look back over the pictures I have taken this past week because I feel there's an important message here. 

God will meet you wherever you are at.

And the beauty of His creation is everywhere.

It surrounds us all the time and yet we walk blindly by.

This morning I was struck by how great at camouflage the winter rabbit is, how its brown and gray coat perfectly matches the dried out and dead branches that litter the ground, how in order to find a cardinal, I have to look for one red leaf among hundreds of green leaves and watch and see if that red leaf moves, how there always seems to be one flower blooming, though the rest have closed shop for the season.

Don't miss it.

One flower blooming.
