
My moment of hope this morning came on the way to Hope when I stopped first at the dumpster to drop off my garbage.  It was there I saw a whole flotilla of birds, floating on the water with such perfect synchronization that it could have only been a parade for those invited.

I actually pulled over to get a better view and tried to keep out of the way of passing cars.

But one car pulled up behind me.  I heard a little voice and when I turned around, I saw a girl sitting in the back seat, her window rolled down and her mouth wide open.

"Take a picture!" she begged her mom.

Here's what I can't help but wonder.  Did the little girl first notice the birds or did she notice me?

The birds were off the road, while I was in the road.

So in much the same way I noticed the flag the other day only because I saw a man taking a picture of it, did this girl only notice the birds because she had to know why this woman had pulled over and was standing there taking pictures?

I think this is the beauty of being a witness for God.  It is knowing and appreciating the subtlety of how God works.  God doesn't need a megaphone.  He only needs one curious person.

One person to take a picture of the birds.

One person to wonder what's so important it needs its picture taken.

One person to take a picture of the sunlight falling on a prayer labyrinth.

And another person who has to see that labyrinth for themselves.

One person to shine the light and one person willing to follow the path suddenly made visible.

This is all witnessing is.  Beautiful and gentle and filled with love and wonder.
