
Yesterday at the animal hospital, I stood at the examining table with my right hand on my cat, Mouschi's, shoulder and my left hand on his head, stroking his forehead with my thumb.  I was holding him down for the technician.

"He could bite you," she warned me.

I didn't look up.  "I don't care if he bites me," I whispered, more to him than to her.

There are times when I think we can see God's love through our love of animals.  That is not to say that we are God's pets.  It simply means that when we are most scared, when we are in pain, when we are thrashing out and screaming, claws dicing the air, God never lets go of us.

He says, "No matter what you do, no matter how angry or bitter or hurt you feel, I will never let go, because I love you and I will hold you forever."

This morning at church, there was one lone bird calling out from the trees, over and over and over again.  He was persistent and I began to think he was pleading for someone, anyone to answer him.  A minute later, another bird answered from a neighboring tree, her call different, but enough to calm the small bird who had been so agitated, his chest feathers had ruffled.

It doesn't matter, I think, if we are human or wild bird, or house cat, we all cry out at some point in our lives and for varying reasons, but we cry out, searching for that response, searching for something to tell us we are heard.

As I left home yesterday to pick up Mouschi from the hospital, I was feeling agitated myself, sick and dizzy, a mess from the stress of the day. 

But as I pulled out of my parking space, there to the east was a rainbow.  I hadn't seen one in ages, but there it was right when I needed a reminder that God keeps His promises, that He does listen and He always loves.
