
I left church this morning feeling very disappointed.

I couldn't find the birds.  There were a couple of frisky squirrels, but everything else was quiet.  As I came up to the labyrinth, a man riding his bike with his very large, unleashed dog running beside him, scared a whole flock of birds up into the trees to hide.

I took a few pictures, but I was beginning to wonder that I would have anything of worth when I got home.  My only hope was that sometimes when I take a picture, I actually capture something else, something unexpected instead.

There were, as it turns out, more than few good pictures this morning, a branch so bleached that it looked like an icicle, frozen in mid drip and hanging from a palm, a large, green leaf still carrying morning dew that seemed perfect for an ant water slide if ants enjoyed that type of thing.

And then there was the bird in the branches.  Because of the lighting and his position, he's almost a shadow among the vines, blending right in, but there in the left corner is the surprise--another bird, with a flash of yellow on his chest or wing, perhaps a brother to the yellow-winged bird whose picture I snapped the other day.  Amazingly enough, I didn't even notice the bird in the corner when I snapped the picture.

He just snuck in there.
