
I was thinking how still the air was this morning and how humid and then in the space of minutes, the wind picked up, shifted from the north, bringing with it a touch, a subtle touch of cool air, and a sprinkling of rain.

There are so few flowers left to take pictures of these days.  The ones still hanging on are the flowering weeds.  They're sturdy and tucked away in some spots, and in other spots in a direct line to the shifting autumn sun.

It's amazing the things you notice when you really have to look.

I walked up to the statue of Jesus by the water and noticed two things placed on the pedestal.  I have no idea how long they've been there, who put them there or why.  They were sun bleached and weather worn.

It was a nickel and a quarter.  Thirty cents at the feet of Jesus.  There are so many stories here.  I took a picture, but didn't move them, in the same way you don't fish for change from the fountain at the mall.

Thirty cents.  An offering?  A widow's mite?  Was it offered in prayer?

The only thing I know for certain is that (as my parents used to claim of my missing clothes or toys when I was little) they didn't grow feet and walk up there themselves.  Someone put them there and for what purpose I don't know except that I was touched.

And that nothing placed at the feet of Jesus is put there accidentally.
