
It's November.

And whether we want it to or not, November marks a seasonal change.  Though it was warm outside this morning, we know that the warm days will be fewer, the days will be shorter, and Christmas will be upon us so quickly, we'll wonder where the time went.

It felt cold this morning, not because of the temperature, but because of the clouds, the ones that hung low on the horizon, blocking out the sun and so denying the trees those short bursts of sunlight that seem to wake the world.  There were no spots of sun streaming through the trees.  The green of the leaves looked darker.  The flowers drooped.

One lone bird called out in the trees and even though I was only ten feet or so away, I couldn't spot it among the vines.

As I knelt to explore various burrows and nests hidden under a mass of vines and leaves that looked like a balled up string of Christmas lights, my head began to pound.  And I worried, even though I had no cause, that I wouldn't find a picture to take.

When I got home and plugged the camera into the computer, there was only one picture worth showing today.  It's one I have taken before, earlier when I first started this project, only then I was standing a good distance away.  Today, I knelt right under that angel and looked up.

Let's face it, among the angels portrayed in painting or in statue, in literature or on TV even, there are angels that are spooky (thank you Doctor Who's Weeping Angels), and there are angels like this one that convey one thing.

