One foot and then the other

Some years ago, I was driving when I thought I saw a bug on the inside of my windshield.  I reached up to brush it away and discovered there was no bug.  My depth perception was so bad that what I thought was a bug, was actually a bird flying high in the sky above, a black shadow on the white clouds. 

Perception is a tricky thing.

Yesterday I did a lot of soul searching as to why I was doing 365 Days of Hope.  Did it make sense to come to church on a day when I felt so sick, I thought I might pass out in the sun?  Did it make sense to push myself--for what?  A streak? 

Yes and no.

365 Days of Hope is more than just a streak of consecutive days.  It's something tangible I can hold onto.  It's a goal that seems in reach when so many other goals have slipped out of sight.  It brings me peace, even on days, like last Thursday, when I thought my old cat might not make it home.

This morning, a whole flock of birds fled one tree for another and the sight of all these birds was so magnificent and so startling, all I could do was stare up at them and remember to close my mouth.  I didn't even bring the camera up until it was just about too late.

Every day I drive to church and walk the grounds, I learn something new, something new about myself, about the world and how to deal with both the pain and beauty it brings.

365 Days of Hope is worth fighting for.  It's worth everything right now.  Even on days when I have to lean up against the side of the church (there's an image to consider) to catch my breath, it's worth it. 

It's not about being stubborn.

It's about being hopeful.
