Cloudy Days

I've read, and I believe it true, that the best days to take pictures are cloudy days.

Though it's sunny now as I write this, when I drove to the church this morning, there were dark clouds, and another mournful wind was blowing.

The beauty, though, of a cloudy day is that nothing can hide.  There are no shadows, no blinding light.  Everything is the same even tone and in that particular light, the veins of a fallen leaf pop, and the jagged cuts made to the grass by the lawnmower are present and glaring. 

Nothing can hide on a cloudy day.

I could not choose between two pictures today.  The first of this flowering tree, trying to hide behind the leaves.  And not only are the flowers visible, but so are these strange little orbs of lights caught by the camera.  Is it pollen caught in the wind?  Is it a trick of the camera catching the flower in two places at once?

And then there was the bench of our new prayer garden.  I'm not sure why the new prayer garden is so difficult to photograph.  I'm almost ready to hang upside down from one of the neighboring trees if it means capturing not only the bench and the palms and the browns and greens, but also the very tone of the place, its warmth even on a cloudy day.
