It's Raining in the Trees

It was foggier this morning than yesterday.

The air was so filled with moisture that up in the trees it sounded like it was raining.  It's something a picture can't capture--that sound, the one that makes you reach up to wipe the rain from the top of your head only to find it's dry.

It was only raining in the trees, drops falling from leaf to leaf. 

The moisture from fog is different from rain or dew.  The moisture from fog is light, like a kiss, and so it has the magical ability to make visible what would otherwise be hidden.

I hate spider webs.  I can't see them.  I can only feel them brushing up against my face or arms.  If I think I'm going through an area of spider webs, I become the web destroyer, smashing and stomping.

And yet they still find me.

Today, I found them, glistening, draped like fine lace.

And yes, they are beautiful.

Or would be if it weren't for the lurking spiders.
