Waiting for the Sun

Every morning I wake up early, usually before five, and all I have to greet me is the lingering night, some odd informercials and a cat that thinks because I'm up it must be time to eat.

Every morning I wake up feeling horrible, most mornings forcing breakfast, taking care of odds and ends even though I feel like some crazy shoe-making elf has replaced my socks with ones made of lead.

I sit for a while and think about all the things I have to do that day and I try to prioritize what has to be done, and what I have energy to do and usually my conclusion is that I don't have energy to do anything.

But I know I have to go to church.  I know I have to take this picture.  And knowing that gives me just enough energy to get moving. 

Before I know it, the sun is up and I'm washing dishes or taking out the trash.  I'm getting cleaned up and most importantly--I'm moving.

I always seem to feel better with the sun.

That was what I was thinking about this morning when I was taking my pictures at church and remembering some of what I learned about botany in college.

The sun was rising.  The birds were waking, chirping in the trees.  There were things moving throughout the brush, but the plants, these things we tend to forget have a life force of their own, were stirring too, opening to the sun, beginning to lean just so to soak in the light.
