
Some days, the choice is clear--go with the dragonfly.

And then other days, like today, the choice is less clear.  Do I choose the picture of the sky with the three parallel jet trails streaking above the trees?  Or how about the unidentified birds high up in the tree branch?  Or what about the line of dewdrops hanging from a vine that has reached out to the neighboring palm and begun wrapping itself around the nearest palm frond, to steady itself, to help it survive and grow?

There are patterns, beautiful light patterns.  The lens flare as the sun rose over the Memorial Garden produced a flowered pattered with red petals surrounding the blinding, soaring sun.  Then further on, there were dots of light peeking through the palm fronds and dancing across the dew.

In the end I chose this picture because of its clarity and because I had been trying to get a good shot of these flowers for weeks.  And in all the times I had taken a picture of these flowers, though not this particular flower, I had never noticed the red, the heart-shaped pattern in the center.

This was new to me.  So this was chosen.
