
While I do my best not to plan ahead what pictures I will take, there are some shots that I just have to have.

I can't stop thinking about them.

In the same way a kid thinks they will just absolutely explode if they don't get that toy they saw at the store today, that's the way I have felt about this picture, about these flowers.

For the past four days I have taken their picture planning on using them in this blog and for four days the picture has never been right and God has always directed me elsewhere.

But every day I return to this tree.


What is so special about these flowers?

They are the only flowers blooming on this tree.

It's almost as if the seasons have been reversed and instead of entering fall, we're entering spring.  In spring the trees bud, at least up north, at their own pace and some leaves form before others.  When I was a kid and saw the trees beginning to bud, I knew that soon I would be able to leave my jacket at home. 

Here at Hope, there are several of these trees and each tree only has one branch, and on that branch only one portion that is blooming with flowers.

It's so odd and so special, because you have to really pay attention to see them, to notice the tiny bit of white among all that green.
