
For years, my friends have joked and complained about all the times they have driven past me on the road, waving and honking and I haven't so much as looked at them.

When I'm driving I'm in my own world.  And while I pay careful attention to lights and stop signs and where I'm going, it's as if I'm a camera only able to focus on one thing, while everything in the background is blurred.

One purpose in my 365 Days of Hope project is to pay attention.  The other day I was reading Anne Lamott's post on Facebook.  She quoted Frederick Buechner saying this, "Pay attention to the world and all that dwells therein and thereby learn at last to pay attention to yourself and all that dwells therein.”

I suppose that's my hope.  I pulled into the parking lot at church this morning and told God I would let Him guide me and almost immediately I noticed the tree in the circle.  I was there when they planted it a few years ago and while it wasn't necessarily a seedling then, it was no where near the size it is now.

When it did that tree grow?  How did it so big?  Where have I been?

The world is speeding by.  And perhaps by taking these pictures I can slow things down enough to notice them.
