Ask Me About My Shirt

This afternoon, I spent some time with Grandma putting together what should have been a simple 48 piece puzzle, except that it was a $3 Walmart puzzle and the pieces didn't quite fit together and the picture we were working from was cut off.

I was super cranky and thinking I should have brought more chocolate for Grandma because she was going through the small box I brought her, quickly.

I noticed a woman standing at the nurse's station. She was crying and the nurse asked her why and I couldn't hear the answer, but based on the nurse's questions, I guessed the woman was lonely and wishing people would come to visit her.

A few minutes later, that woman walked over to Grandma and me. She was drawn over by my shirt--what I call my church shirt. It's Sunday after all, and the message on my t-shirt said, "Walk by faith and not by sight."

Already another resident had come up to me, read my shirt and told me how she had been a minister's wife.

But this woman walked up to me and just stared. I tried to explain the shirt, but she continued to just stand there and stare and finally, I said to her, "Would you like to see one of my books?"

I always bring several of my picture books every time I visit Grandma … just in case. 

So today, I pulled out my book "The Mystery of Faith," and opened it for the woman, who sat down in a chair next to me.

Grandma and I continued to chat and the woman sat there and quietly looked at the pictures. She kept lingering over the sandhill crane baby stuck in the mud. I assured her that the baby made it out just fine.

After a while, I looked at the woman and said, "Would you do me the honor of keeping that book? Would you let me give that book to you?"

She smiled.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Beverly," she said.

"Here," I said, holding out my hand, "let me put your name in the book for you."

I signed and dated the book and handed it back to her. "Everyone needs pictures like that," I told her. "God's creation--something to make you smile."

By the way, I did give Grandma a book too--didn't want her left out.

I left shortly after that.

I'll bring more books with me next time.
