A Chocolate and Jesus Update

Last week, I wrote that there were two things that got my grandmother up out of bed in the morning, chocolate and Jesus. Today I discovered a third thing.

I called up to her room from the parking lot this morning and was pretty sure I had woken her up. I asked her if I could come up and told her I would be there in two minutes.

By the time I got out of the elevator, she and her walker were scooting down the hallway toward me. She had this big smile on her face.

"You don't want to visit in your room?" I asked her.

She gave me a hug. "Let's go to lunch."

"It's 9:45, Grandma," I said. "But I did bring you chocolate."

Watching her walk down the hallway toward me this morning just melted my heart, because I realized that in addition to chocolate and Jesus, I was now, apparently, reason enough for Grandma to get up. And I am honored to be a part of group that includes chocolate and Jesus.
