This Blogpost is Worth Stopping For

There is a Sandhill Crane nest near where I live that I have been watching for a few weeks now.  I thought I might see some Easter babies.  But driving past the nest today, I noticed the mother up and out of the nest.

Even though I thought it was too soon for babies, I wanted to get a picture of the eggs at least, so I pulled over, zooming in on the Sandhill Crane parents looking through a sea of green for some worms and grubs.

But then, like cresting dolphins, first one tawny head and then another.

The babies had hatched!

And were so tiny, it was easy to lose sight of them in all the green.

Several times, the mom stopped what she was doing and suddenly looked up, like a worried mom at the mall who has just lost track of their kid, and just like with that worried mom at the mall, the kid is almost always right behind you.

It was so hard to get a picture.

I was worried this would be one of my Bigfoot moments where I see something incredible but don’t get a picture.

(I will find you again black panther.)

But as I snapped more and more pictures, I began looking at as Mary Magdalene moment, an Easter moment two weeks early, a moment of rebirth and wonder so exciting, I couldn’t wait to tell someone, anyone about what I had seen.

I almost didn’t stop for this moment.

I almost kept driving.

My guess is there are dozens of moments every day worth stopping for.

How many do we miss?

I caught this one for you.
