The Sweet Scrub Jay

The Florida Scrub Jay is not the prettiest
bird I’ve ever seen. 

I’m partial 
to the American Kestrel. 

It’s not the most striking
bird I’ve seen. 

Have you ever watched 
a Bald Eagle shred its prey? 

It’s not the shyest bird,
preferring to dart from tree to tree to hand.

Try tracking 
an American Bittern, hiding among the reeds

And just because it wears 
tracking bands on its tiny little ankles 
doesn’t make it special. 

I’ve seen 
Black Vultures tagged. 

The Florida Scrub Jay isn’t even the bluest
jay in the neighborhood. 

Just look at the peanut-carrying, 
screaming Blue Jay. 

But there is something special 
about the Florida Scrub Jay. 

It’s the only bird that can be called
Florida’s own. 

And it’s rare.
And threatened.
And sweet-natured.
And a bit of homebody.  
It’s precious. 

And I look at the Florida Scrub Jay
and I smile and I think, 

I wonder if this is how
God looks at us.
