See Me

This is what you teach me, Lord,
in the early morning hours,
when it’s still cold enough
to see my breath,
when the sky is so blue,
and so clear that it seems
to be all sharp edges
and impossible to look at 

this is what You teach me
in the Florida Scrub Jay
that sails through the air
up and down like a hand
surfing the wind outside
an open car window. 

You teach me to be still,
to listen, 
to breathe,
to wait,
to blink
and watch as the scrub jay
sails away and away 
and then back again to the branch
above me and sits
and turns his cheek just so
and says, 
“Look here I am in shadow.
and now here I am in sun.
Here I am caressed by warmth
and here I am chilled with shade.
See me playing tag with my sister.
See me chasing away those cackling grackles.
See me.
See me.” 

“Yes, I see,” I say. 

“Good,” he answers
and leaves me to play.
