Feel Free to Laugh at my Expense

Days like today I really miss my mom.

She was my perspective keeper.

No matter how hard my day was, no matter how many stupid, embarrassing things had happened to me, no matter how idiotic and wrong I behaved, she always had a story about herself that was ten times worse and by the time she was finished with reminding me, I was in tears from laughing so hard.

I got home from Kohl’s today and discovered a big glob of chocolate on my shirt, which given the amount of chocolate I eat in the car, I’m just happy it wasn’t on my butt.

But it does explain why the cashier was staring at me kind of funny.

And it does make the chocolate that I was buying at Kohl’s even funnier.

I know it’s Lent—I am not giving up chocolate.

My mom was the queen, though, of wardrobe malfunctions, from wearing clothes backwards to forgetting to wipe off the tanning cream from her hands … she once told me, “Wait until you’re middle-aged.  You really won’t care.”

Well, I’m middle-aged now and I admit, I care a lot less about those sorts of things than I used to, but still, nobody wants to walk around with chocolate on their shirt unless they’re a toddler and the chocolate is what’s left over from a chocolate fudge brownie sundae. 

Actually, wearing your food might be a sign of true happiness.

This is how much I enjoyed this chocolate.

I left some for later.

It’s sort of like Mr. Twit’s beard.

Really, it’s all about delayed gratification.

And if I haven’t made you smile yet, well, I have a lot to live up to if I want to match my mom's storytelling. 
But here's one last thing to make you laugh.

Here’s a picture I took today of a cattle egret looking for his own leftovers.

Caption:  “Whatcha eatin’?”
