An Update on the Newlyweds

I had barely started my day when the warning flashed across my camera screen.

Memory card full!

I think there might have been an actual exclamation point on the warning.

No more pictures for you.

And since such things always follow the laws of the universe, it was right at that moment that a train of white ibises flew directly in front of me.

And a second later, a long-legged raccoon started to cross the road in front of my car.

I stopped.

He stopped.

He looked at me a little perplexed, like he had just caught me raiding his refrigerator in the middle of the night.

My window was rolled down.  I told him to go on ahead.

He rolled his eyes—or something like that—and turned around and headed back to the brush.

All of which I missed thanks to my full memory card.

I spent the next five minutes speedily erasing around eighty pictures or so from the card, the absolute minimum I figured I needed to make my trip to the Wetlands count for something.

They were the first eighty pictures on the card, the very first pictures I took with this camera, mostly of the cats and then flowers and birds across the parking lot.

I figured anything worth keeping, I had already copied to my computer.  And I crossed my fingers that I wasn’t deleting something precious.

Those eighty deletes though allowed me to give you an update on the Great Blue Heron newlyweds who are still constructing their nest, in tandem, it seemed, as if both knew exactly what the other needed.

Such synchronicity.  They were clearly meant for one another.  Every time they stopped and paused, it seemed they struck the perfect pose, the perfect lean into each other.

At one point the female stretched out her neck and hooted and I knew exactly what she was doing.

The male took off, leaping from the palm and either going to fetch breakfast or more twigs as directed.

I am seriously rooting for these lovebirds.

When I got home, I ordered a new memory card.  There are just too many memories I don’t want to lose.
