Turtle Log-Rolling … How is this Not a Sport?

Yesterday at the Wetlands, I was treated to some truly jaw-dropping, hold-your-breath, pray-it-doesn’t-end moments.  There were Hooded Mergansers, both male and female, suspended in flight just above the water, a diving Belted Kingfisher, and the highlight of the show—a Crested Caracara feasting on a fish on the side of the road.

Today took my breath away too, but for different reasons.

Today took my breath away because I was laughing so hard.

God truly does have a sense of humor.

From the odd platypus-billed Northern Shoveler making a return to the Wetlands this winter …

to the baby Great Blue Heron so hungry that even his mama’s beak looked like a tempting eat …

… to the turtle drama that appeared on a harmless log in the water.

There were two turtles, one small, resting peacefully on the log—the other quite a bit larger, trying to heave itself out of the water onto the log.

And every time he did?

The log went a-spinning.

Both turtles got dunked.

The small one got back up again first and then came the giant, hoisting itself up on its front legs until … the log went a-spinning.

Both turtles under the water.

Again and again and again.

I never laughed so hard at two non-feline animals not named Little Girl and Rumble.

And this, I thought, must be how God entertains himself throughout the day.

I imagine it never gets old.
