I Surrender


It’s one of the hardest things we are asked to do.

Surrender to God.

Surrender to His will.

Human beings aren’t wired for that.

We crave control.

We crave the illusion of control.

And anything that suggests we part with that—makes me grimace just thinking about it.

We’re all control freaks, aren’t we?

Deep down.

That’s our nature—not surrender.

But every morning, when I go to the Wetlands, I offer up the tiniest bit of surrender.  I don’t know that I ever go looking for a particular photo op—in the sense that I don’t stake out certain places and wait for hours for certain birds, or feeding times for gators.

I pull into the Wetlands and say, “What have You got for me today, God?”

Because whatever it is, I have no doubt that it will be something amazing.

I give that to God each morning.

I’m hoping it’s a habit that will grow and spread elsewhere in my life.

What have You got for me, today?
