I Believe in Angels

I believe in angels.

Though I admittedly know very little about them.

How do angels come into existence?

How are they born?

How do the Clarences of the heavenly universe get their wings?

These seem like the questions I would have bugged my mom with when I was a kid and she would have answered me the same way she answered everything she didn’t have answers to.

“Ask God when you get to heaven.”

Angels and how they work and how they exist and move through the world seem beyond what even my imagination can handle.

But sometimes, I can imagine.

I watch a small Great Blue Heron, alone in the nest, waiting for breakfast, too small yet to fly, but big enough to stand, to stretch and get used to these marvelous things on his back.

I watch him spread his wings for the first time or maybe the hundredth time.  It doesn’t matter.  It’s still all new to him.  I watch him stretch and I think I’m not watching a Great Blue Heron at all, but a new angel learning something about his wings.

Today’s blog was inspired by the Great Blue Heron chick at the Wetlands this morning, but also by the new book The Book of Boy by Catherine Gilbert Murdock.

And today’s blog was written with I Have a Dream by Abba playing in the background.
