
The thing that surprised me the most this morning was the sheer number of people who came out to the beach to watch the sunrise.  It gives me hope for this world that so many people understand that watching the sun rise over the ocean is important soul food.

I came out for one reason.  Today is the two year anniversary of my mom's death.  I am amazed that it's been two years already and somewhat shocked that it still hurts so much.  But I am beginning to accept that pain.

Grieving for someone is part of loving someone.  We do not grieve for those who we did not love.  And as I will never stop loving my mom, I will never stop grieving for her either and that's okay.  The pain is part of the love and I'm okay with that.

I continue to regret though that I could not bring her down here in her final days.  She loved the beach and I wish I could have had her here to take her last breaths on the beach.

But I know that whatever Heaven is ... for my mom it is a place of endless sunrises.
