Hope Lives

Once again, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey.

As much as I would love the sense of accomplishment it would bring me to finish 365 days, as much as that would seem like a victory, that is not the point of this project.

When I began this project back in August of last year, my goal was to strengthen my spiritual and emotional health so that I might be able to handle my physical limitations.

Over these last few months, I have grown closer to God and I have learned so much, just recently, about the importance of the journey.

Yesterday, late in the morning, I was overcome by such a wave of vertigo that I could barely walk. This lasted for hours and even today I am left weak. I know that all of this is due to the massive swell of inflammation in my body.

And I know that while I wait for the medicine to work, I cannot do anything that would encourage that inflammation to continue unchecked.

And that means that I must rest. I cannot drive. Not today, maybe not tomorrow. I need to stay inside and rest.

There will be no trip to Hope.

But I am encouraged by my conversations with you that like me, you realize that Hope is more than a place. That hope can be found everywhere and not just at a church in Suntree, Florida.

Though I may not make it to church every day as I have done before, you can count on me to regularly post here.

365 Days of Hope continues.

The journey continues. The route has changed. The destination has changed. But Hope lives.

God bless.
