For Today

Because my illness prevents me, in so many ways, from making plans for tomorrow, for the next week, for the rest of the year, I have learned to appreciate each moment I am gifted.

As I walked along the water this morning, I noticed a flower, a hibiscus I think, floating in the pond. There are no such blooms like this on Hope property and so I knew that there was a story there in how this flower, this one lone bloom, wound up so far from home.

I also knew that I would most likely never catch a moment like this again and so I took picture after picture after picture.

And then as I began my walk back to the car, I found another flower, a different flower, growing all alone far from any other blooms. It looked to be growing from a massive fire ant hill and it was a small risk to step up on the hill to get the picture.

But I had to, because there is no guarantee that the flower will be there tomorrow.
