
Yesterday a friend of mine stopped by a local fast food restaurant to get me a frozen lemonade that I had been craving since last summer.

But in a heartbreaking moment, she called me from the restaurant and tol...d me there were no frozen lemonades. Frozen lemonades were considered a summer drink and despite the fact that summer never truly leaves Florida ... it was not technically summer.

No frozen lemonade.

While many expect summer, and all that comes with it, in June, I have accepted the increasingly hot days and the stronger sun and begun searching for flowers. I'm almost desperate for them after long months with only a few year round blooms. I will take the flowering weeds. I will take anything with color.

And today I found this flower in a place I had never looked before and had never seen a flower before. For all I know the flower will be gone tomorrow, but I have caught it today.
