
Yesterday I drove to Cocoa Beach and on the way saw something I had not seen in two years.

I saw the ocean.

I barely saw it out the window, but it was there, calm and a deep blue.

For the past two years I have been too sick to drive long distances and even though the beach is only ten miles or so from where I live, it was too far.  Now, I am just well enough to make that journey.

I don't even remember when it was that I last saw the ocean.  But I'm sure I had no idea that it would be so long before I saw it again.

This morning frost covered my car for the second time in the past few days.  The frost was more widespread this morning and I drove to church knowing that I wanted a picture of this frost.  It's Florida, after all.  Frost is not a constant like the ocean.

And I never know what tomorrow will bring.
